Sick-care and crisis-care are very important services to our culture, but they are not HEALTH care. When we take this “sick care” approach and apply it to our society’s health care model, what we get is a sick society.
Currently, the United States is having a health care crisis. Some of the current facts about our current state of health care are surprising and pretty scary:
- US spending for “health care” totals 2.8 trillion (the HIGHEST in the world), yet we are only ranked 37th for health outcomes.
- The number one killer in the country is cardiovascular disease (nearly 1 million deaths annually), which is a very preventable LIFESTYLE disease.
- From 1990 to 2010, the number of people diagnosed with Diabetes has TRIPLED – From 6.5 million to 20.7 million.
- A reported 60 percent of bankruptcies in the U.S. are due to expensive medical bills.
The Solution?
People have begun to take more control of their health and well-being to prevent sickness and disease. This approach dates back to the ancient Greeks – Hippocrates was the first to make the connection between disease and natural causes. He believed that natural forces within us are the true healers of disease, and he promoted the maintenance of health rather than just the treatment of disease.
What does this mean in today’s society?
People are beginning to take a new and PROACTIVE approach to their health instead of reacting when they believe something is wrong. This involves a multifaceted approach that involves giving our bodies the right nourishment and energy where they can THRIVE, rather than just survive. This involves movement & exercise, proper nutrients, positive mental state, rest & time to recover, and most importantly, optimum nervous system health.
Why is regular chiropractic care so vital in this proactive approach to health?
Your nervous system controls every single function that occurs in your body, and is primarily responsible for your body’s ability to heal & repair itself. When there is something interfering with this mechanism, your body cannot function at it’s best, and it begins to break down. Regular chiropractic care removes the stress to the nervous system and enables it to function at its optimum. It is the keystone of a true health care approach.
Is your nervous system functioning at its optimum potential? Call us today for a consultation: 203-355-2830 or request an appointment online.